
Monday, August 26, 2013

A Very Tiny Smile

I read somewhere recently about the power of just a bit of a smile.  Not one of those big ol' goofy, toothy grins.  Nor one of those phony masks we so quickly don to protect ourselves from what others might see if they looked too closely.  No, none of that.  This choice is just a simple moment in solitude when we will ourselves to turn the edge of our mouths upward.

Most particularly, when we are on edge.  Or bone-weary.  Concerned.  Fear-filled.  Or laboring in prayer.

And as we choose to lift the edge of our mouths upwards, because of the way our Creator has designed us, I'm guessing, we begin to take ourselves just a tad less seriously.  The heavy burden we're carrying seems to ease a bit.  Life's exhausting challenges come into a more balanced focus.  The load we labor with begins to be lifted from our feeble shoulders.  Perspective shifts.

This is a healing gift we give ourselves that costs not a dime.  And low and behold, it can become an act of worship, a sacrifice of praise that reflects a child-like trust in our Savior.  An enlivening acknowledgement that He holds this world with all its heartache in His powerful hands.  That He knows the end from the beginning.  And that when all is said and done, He does all things well.

Do let me know if this works for you.  Ok?

*  a hammock self-portrait, September 2012.  not particularly attractive, but brave, yes?

* *  smiling with  Laura  .  Jen   .   Courtney  .  Emily


  1. I had some devastating news last night that broke open once again my broken heart. Today--my grands came over and I broke out in the sweet small smile of tender love among the joy they bring in the door. God's reminder of all that He has blessed me with--and His great-great love for me in ALL circumstances. Great reminder of what a little act can sometimes do for us.

    1. Isn't it incredible that even in the middle of our storms, He can give strength to respond with tender love and joy? Trusting that you will feel His sweet presence in the midst of it all, Lulu ...

  2. How interesting you would write about this. The last month or so I have consciously been trying to at least keep a pleasant expression on my face, if not a smile. I'd been realizing how often I frown and decided that was not good!

    1. Yeah, Elizabeth, a pleasant expression works! I want the wrinkles on my face to evolve from laughing, not frowning. And I know I'm not the only one!


  3. Amazing, how a small tilt of the lips can shift my perspective and lighten the load. Not the forced or overdone grin, but the relaxation of peace. You are so right.
    I love this blog, by the way--not just the one post, but the whole thing.
    (Visiting from SDG)

    1. Thanks, Janice, for your affirming words about the blog! You've truly made my day! And I'm glad you're here ...


  4. Dear Linda
    This is so true! And the best of all, is that He is making everything new!
    Blessings XX

  5. Thank you for reminding me that a smile upwards is a small act of worship and yes, it really does help! Wonderful to meet you and welcome to SDG!

    1. True worship of our Redeemer comes in many ways, shapes, and forms, yes? Thank you for coming by this morning, Dionne!

  6. My 7 year old daughter told me a few months ago that God told her to smile at strangers. She is shy, so this was a challenge for her. But she did it. And she still remembers to do it. There must be something here! So glad you linked up to SDG. We are so glad to have you.

    1. Don't the best lessons come from those little ones? Thanks, Jen, for welcoming me into your community!


  7. And I'm smiling with you, Linda. Thank you for reminding me of this simple yet profound truth.

  8. My husband has told me it really helps him when I keep a cheerful expression on my face, even when I'm tired or stressed. And I've found it helps me too! Amazing how such a simple act can make such an impact! Thanks for sharing at WLW - have a great evening!

    1. There's an interesting, fine line between making this choice and being fully authentic and honest about where we really are with those who are closest to us. Thinking of you tonight, Elizabeth, as you interact with your man!

  9. I remember reading something once about a study that showed if you hold a pencil in your mouth horizontally between your teeth for a certain period of time (basically forcing yourself to smile) it boosts your mood. And I've tried the trick from time to time and found it works!

    1. Yep ... I read that as I trolled around for more information when writing this! Hopefully, after awhile, we won't need those pencils!

      Thanks for dropping in this afternoon!

  10. There is actually research that shows smiling makes you happier! Brain chemistry is amazing!

  11. what a good reminder, Linda... there is power in a smile. bless you friend, e.


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l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
