
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Stop Waiting Around

Way back a decade or so ago, I printed out this quote.  I needed to see it in blue and white.  It held court on my office bulletin board for a time, and ended up tucked in the front pocket of my first journal.  I needed to be reminded again and again that God had placed a call on my life, and, wonder of wonders, had seen fit to give me what I needed to put that call into action.

Yes, there were some naysayers along the way.  And I'll be the first to admit that I got more than a bit disappointed, frustrated, and discouraged by the questioning of my motives, odd looks, being treated like I was invisible, and excluded from tables to which I was qualified to sit at.  Truth be told, lots of people, mostly men, didn't quite know what to do with a woman in ministry, especially one with a pastoral calling.

But you know what?  You've just gotta move on.  Many of us have wasted altogether way too much energy and time fighting the status quo, trying to explain ourselves, dealing with the good ol' boys club, endless political wrangling, and hitting those denominational glass ceilings.  We've gotta stop waiting around for affirmation and approval and accolades from the self-appointed powers that be. 

For we'll only get that from God Himself. 

Bottom line is this.  There's a world out there filled with broken, wounded people who need to know that Jesus Christ can bring hope, healing, and wholeness.  God has gifted you to be something special, to do something substantial for His kingdom. 

So stop waiting around for an invite to a place at the table, your name in lights, or some kind of appointed position, dear sister.  It might not ever happen.  Move ahead.  Roll up your sleeves and get to work.  The time is short, the fields are white and ready to harvest, and your unique combination of giftedness, abilities, and calling are sorely needed.
The Apostle Paul said it best - We make it our goal to please Him.  And as our focus shifts to honoring Him alone, you can be assured that almighty God Himself will open the doors to serve Him, one by one ...


==> sharing hope with Beth  .  Emily  .  Laura  .  Kristen