
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Of White Space & Margins

I'm yearning for ever-increasing white space, margins, and serenity. 


Over time, I've become an avid blogger and reader of such.  Maybe that's why I'm drawn to the ones that are designed sparse.  Compelling open spaces that do nothing but invite me to come rest awhile.  That give full permission for meaningful words to jump off the page, tugging at my heartstrings or challenging my mind.  And wide open visual margins that invite beautiful photographs to effortlessly spring to life.

Without all the bells and whistles, flashing ads, and endless buttons and links and stuff on every square inch, I'm drawn to the true message that shines through unhindered.  Nothing distracts me from catching a glimpse of her heart, her vision, her story, her humor, her insights, her truths.  I move on from our little visit refreshed and renewed ... online time well spent.

The whole margins concept is nothing new ... I've been dipping into physician Richard Swenson's volumes for years.  Because this is how I want to live, embracing meaningful pockets of solitude and rest, sanity and peace.  I know that this is how I will stay healthy and whole in every way that matters.  To grow in Christ-centered faith ... and deep awareness and appreciation of who this girl is in this season.  And to have my soul's deep well refilled to overflowing.  Often.  With plenty of nurturing sustenance left over to share.

Swenson writes, 'To learn the grace of stillness in the midst of busyness is much-needed oxygen for exhausted people everywhere.  Instead of being cheered on by the socially acceptable mantra 'more and more, faster and faster,' perhaps we can rediscover the sacred pace of Jesus. 

Overload and hurry are not prerequisites for service but enemies of faith.  Can we raise new signs such as 'Stop believing that chronic exhaustion is normal, that a listless spirit is inevitable, that burnout is piety'?'

P.S.   You're probably noticing a bit of re-creation, an enlargement of white space, margins, and photo size right here and now ... a long-considered update that I hope you love as much as I do!


  1. I love Dr. Swenson's books! And I love your blog.

  2. I love the color white, and I too, like clean, open blogs. They are so much easier to read, feel restful to me, and allow the words to sink in to my over-active brain.
    I've been contemplating a little redo on my blog, thanks for the kick-start.

    1. I knew I wasn't the only one who's yearning for the wide open spaces!


  3. Visiting from Studio JRU today...and yes, the clean, open spaces are definitely appealing...however, I love a burst of color too! I've always been drawn in by yours above. I love to sit and look at it for a while. Lots of words don't appeal to me as much, because I find rest in meditative thought. (It might also be the fact that I can't always finish reading before someone comes along and distracts me...but as they say, a picture is worth 1000 words.)

    Happy Easter! God bless.

    1. I'm hearing you! A picture that packs a punch, an incredible piece of music do nothing but reach the soul, along with words that have been chosen. Thanks, dear Sewing Mom, for joining me here today!

  4. Hello Linda!

    Now you want me to go check my own blog to see if it has enough white space?! I've never really thought of that but what I have thought of is that there is no way we can possibly worship Christ the way he intended in this fast paced, information overloaded society we live in. I guess this is why we are called to be "set apart"?

    I'm stopping by from Studio JRU and I'm glad to meet you : )

    1. Yeah, that whole margins concept hits home every which way we turn, doesn't it, Cindi.

      And I, too, am glad to meet you!

  5. So much meaning here! Living life with a chronic illness and disability, coming in from a life of constant activity, it can be a challenge not to try and fill all those margins. Thanks for the reminder! :)

    1. Blessings of peace and rest as you continue to transition to a new way of living, Shelly. I am so glad you stopped by today ...

  6. Interesting! I never heard of this book before.

    I think your blog has just about the right balance of open space and "Look, interesting stuff!" :-)

    1. Well, thanks, Becca! Your kind words have made my day!




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