Saturday, June 2, 2012

Emerging from Victimhood's Quicksand

You might be traveling with a heavy load.  Wounded, not whole.  Along the way you may have been deceived or neglected, denied or cheated, tricked or abused. 

And the result?  Forced to don the mantle of powerlessness, you don't feel safe in your own skin.  A toxic brew of  fear, anxiety, and depression weave their ugly tentacles through your soul.  Healthy relationships are few and far between.  Making wise choices seems to be an impossible task.  The thought of confidently representing yourself seems like a never-to-be-accomplished dream.   And the possibility that you might be able to set up wise boundaries or life-enriching margins that would protect your body, mind, and spirit seems to be oh-so-far off.

Here's a few questions that might shed a bit of light on the quicksand of victimhood, allowing you to emerge from what's keeping you stuck and onto a pathway that leads upward and onward: 

1.  When did you first start feeling like a victim?

2.  In what situations does this currently arise?

3.  With who?

4.  How do you feel when you're bullied? Treated disrespectfully? Threatened with punishment or emotional manipulation by another?

5.  Are you able to see yourself as a strong adult, not a weak child?

6.  Are you able to see yourself as Christ sees you, loved, priceless, valuable?

7.  Are there 1 or 2 choices you're ready to make today?

Perhaps it's past time to choose healing, to choose empowerment, to choose to climb out of the quicksand and emerge into some long-awaited freedom.  If you're a believer in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit has been given to you as your Comforter and your own personal Guide into all truth.  And it really is ok to talk with a wise, gentle pastor or an experienced counselor as you walk through these life-giving questions.  {See here and there.}

Yes, much that's happened along the way has been out of your control.  But maybe today's the day to say 'enough already.'  Because it is for that precious freedom that Christ has set us free ...
- sign by i_gallagher -


  1. Hey Linda---excellent view of victomhood. Asking myself these questions even though I do not feel like a victim any longer.

    How do you feel when you're bullied? Treated disrespectfully?
    Are you able to see yourself as a strong adult, not a weak child?
    Are you able to see yourself as Christ sees you, loved, priceless, valuable? Hmmm


  2. Asking ourselves these kinds of questions helps us take care of those pockets of unresolved stuff that still might be lurking in the corners ... the debris that keeps us from being all God's designed us to be.

    And you, my friend, have asked me a powerful question or two along the way!

    I so appreciate you, Carol!


Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...


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