Monday, January 30, 2012

Your Child & Online Porn

Rick Thomas over at Counseling Solutions presents a more prevalent scenario than you'd want to imagine: 

"Let’s say a dad came to see you for advice about his teenage son. He tells you his son has been sneaking out of bed late at night looking at porn on the computer. He’s put filters in place but his son seems to be able to get around them. How might you start advising this father?"

Click here to find out wise ways to approach this situation, some hard questions about the state of your child's heart, and your own role in this challenge that you never thought you'd have to face.

Bottom line? 

People you'd never dream of inviting into your home can appear with a few clicks of the mouse ... with disturbing, violent, or provocative images that remain long after the computer's been turned off.  Don't be naive enough to assume that you or your children are safe from these dangerous predators.

Let's be proactive on this.  Building Character and Building Walls is a Focus on the Family link that is MUST READING for every parent.  And then make Covenant Eyes your next stop.

Let's get smart before it's too late ...


- photo by book_addicts -


  1. In the sermon series for our Young Married's class, the pastor cites the statistic that most children's first experience with inappropriate online material is at age 11. His point was that if parents wait until a child is 12 to talk to them, they're most likely already too late. It's a sobering thought for someone who hopes to be a parent some day.

  2. "Among kids seven and under, the fourth most-sought search term (after YouTube, Google, and Facebook) was “porn.” These kids are actually more curious about porn than their older siblings: for teens, porn was sixth; for tweens, eleventh.

    - The Unfiltered Truth: Children Search for Pornography From An Early Age

    Thanks, Jonathan, for weighing in.


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