
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Your Church's Health

Come on now, admit it!  If you've ever served as a ministry leader, more often than not, you've measured success by 2 criteria:


And if your church was especially adventurous (or in deep trouble), you've probably bought into some kind of super-expensive "professional" assessment along the way. 

And you just might have found out that super-expensive does not mean that you'll end up with a miracle cure for what is really ailing your church. 

Who hasn't heard of churches that have been blown out of the water by poorly designed surveys conducted by over-paid, under-trained consultants who do their thing - and provide little, if any, Christ-honoring, pro-active, healing, effective follow-through?

The end result is often a hit and run tragedy.  Thousands of dollars spent.  Wounded souls, bleeding all over the floor.  Fractured relationships, never to be the same again.  Long-dedicated church workers heading for the door.  Disillusioned young people, watching the whole fiasco from the sidelines, who swear they'll never set foot in a church again. 

And the name of Christ is dragged through the mud as word of what happened to "the church down the road" hits the streets.

Don't go there!  Consider something much simpler - a church Apgar score that's "life-giving."  That doesn't focus on bodies - or bucks.

Kevin Miller states, "Focusing on church attendance (alone) turns us into marketers; focusing on an Apgar score turns us into intercessors. And suddenly the "size equals value" noise begins to fade away, because raising your Apgar score one point is no easier for a megachurch than for a house church. It might be harder." 

Read the article and check out your church's health here ...

And it won't cost you a dime!

Let's get healthy.  A dying world is watching ...

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