
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Be Strong and Courageous

Most of us can identify with the cowardly lion of "Wizard of Oz" fame.  We seek courage and strength for the difficult situations or decisions that we must make and then wonder if we can muster the strength in ourselves to accomplish the task.  Joshua, the 80 year old leader who succeeded Moses, could identify with those feelings.  Moses, Israel's Exodus leader had died and now the mantle of leadership fell to Joshua.  He was frightened and wondered how  he could follow in the footsteps of God's great Exodus leader.  He had observed and now would experience for himself that battles are not won in human strength but by divine power.  Courage is about being firm, strong, resolute - confidently unwavering.  It occurs 41 times in the Old Testament.

The refreshing reminder of Joshua 1:6 "Be strong and courageous" is that victory does not depend on our human strength - how loud we can yell; how much we might push or pull, how physically strong we are - it depends on our response to God's promises.  If Joshua were weak and irresolute, the cause of attaining the Promised Land was in deep trouble.  If he trusted God and depended on Him, He would taste the success that God wanted him to enjoy.

God gives us the same promise - be strong and of good courage - Jesus promised, "I will never leave you or forsake you."  All others may leave us but He will never abandon us.  He always keeps His promise.  You are not left alone to drum up your own courage or to conquer in your own strength.

What is His invitation to you today?  Are you facing a great challenge or trial?  Are you willing to be strong, resolute in believing Him and His Word?  Can you trust that He will win a victory or will you attempt to enter the Promised Land in your own strength?  I assure you that He is totally capable of being completely trusted.  He is the One who invites us to be strong and courageous.

Why trust God?  Because He is trustworthy.
Why depend on God?  Because He is dependable.

Trusting ~       Bob

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Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
