
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Prayers for Lydia

- After her visit with the pediatric neurosurgeon, Lydia's life-long dream comes true ... being in a real life art show -

Thank you to all those who've prayed at home ... and during your support groups and workshops and Bible Studies. Thank you to all those who've emailed, blogged, phoned, and have gotten your prayer chains in motion. People around the world are praying, and I am confident that God is hearing every word and seeing every tear.

This prayer from a local Celebrate Recovery leader arrived in my inbox this morning.

We are deeply thankful for your love and support ...
and His ~

"Heavenly Father, You are Lydia's Creator, and You know every cell within her head. Please put your loving finger on that growth and melt it away like a little lump of snow. Please free Lydia of headaches. All will know that it is our mighty God who has done this miraculous thing!

You say we do not have because we do not ask ---- well, may our petitions for this child echo around Your throne! May You be amazed at our faith, just as You were amazed by the Syrophoenician woman's faith, because we dare to ask You to accomplish what is impossible for man to do.

Gently pour out Your healing power on Lydia, please.
Thank You! Amen."

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Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
