
Friday, March 26, 2010

The Big Question

When Jesus asks the big question, what is your answer?

Luke 18:35-43 tells us that as Jesus approached the city of Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging from those who passed by. Suddenly, hearing a large crowd of people go by, his hopes were raised for some substantial donations. He was looking for a temporary fix, assuming that his blindness was his fate for life.

When he found out that the crowd was there because Jesus was walking by, he cried out to Jesus for mercy. The crowd, interested in their own aura of being present with a popular figure, tried to hush up the wounded man. But, he would not be stilled - he wanted help from the One who had helped others. Answering his insistent cry, Jesus asked the big question: "What do you want me to do for you?" The man's response was not for something small - a hand out, but for a life change - he wanted to see!

What is your answer to Jesus's big question as He looks into your eyes today, gives you His undivided attention, and says, "What do you want me to do for you?" Do you want healing? forgiveness? peace? hope? encouragement? love? His embrace? salvation? strength? endurance? a burden bearer?

Tell Him specifically as He asks you the big question today, "What do you want me to do for you?"

Thanking God that He hears me and responds to my answer to His question ~ Bob

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pastor Bob...this is the 1st I have been on the blog for awhile. But what an amazing heartfelt question you asked. Very difficult at first and then came the words to this song (Which I sing a LOT) Show me YOUR ways, that I may walk with you, Show me YOUR ways, I put my hope in YOU, the cry of my heart is to love YOU more, To live with the touch YOUR HANDS, stronger each day, Show me YOUR way. And honestly, I couldn't ask for more! Love your teaching! Joann


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