
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Our Jealous God

We know Jealousy as a green-eyed monster that destroys relationships and feeds egos. How can our sinless God say in Exodus 34:14, "The Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a Jealous God?"

When God uses the term, "jealousy," He is using a human expression that we can understand. However, His jealousy is without sin or selfishness. God's jealousy is not a compound of frustration, envy, and spite, but is "praiseworthy zeal to preserve something that is supremely precious."

God's jealousy is not, "I want what you have because I don't have it." It is rather, "I love our relationship and I will protect it at all costs." He is jealous at the intrusion of other lovers - idols. God is married to us in covenant relationship through Jesus Christ - He will not tolerate whatever attempts to intrude into that relationship.

Aren't you glad that God loves you with a zealous, passionate love and He will not let you go to another?

Should we then also be zealous for our relationship with Him and guard it as a passionate response to His love?

Enjoy the passion of a zealous God who is jealous for His relationship with you.

Thriving in His love ~ Bob


  1. Oh...making decision in my affairs the hardest thing for me. I can make decision for others in a second with great confidence, but for me?... agonizing task. My needs collides with other family members interest. What should I do? I have heard just recently put first Jesus then everybody else , finally put myself the last... Is that true? How much I have to sacrifice my interests? What God wants me to do?

  2. God protects my relationship with Him. I couldn't do that. I appreciate His jealousy.

  3. Thanks for your comment. An often spoken, unbilical phrase is "put Jesus first, others second and yourself last." You can only love others AS you love yourself. Put Jesus first, yourself second and others last and you will find joy. You are important to God. Be prepared for anger from others as you set up good boundaries and do not allow them to run over you. God has boundaries and He wants us to have them also. Good boundaries help us make good decisions.


Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
