
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas Facts and Fiction #3

Did the "Three Wise Men" from the East arrive in Bethlehem in time to see the baby Jesus in the manger?

1) There is no record of how many "wise men" came to see Jesus. Since three gifts were given to the child, it has been assumed by some that there were three who carried the gifts. Most likely, there was a sizable entourage of "wise men" (magi) accompanied by soldiers to protect them and the cargo that they carried.

2) Luke 2: 11 says, "On coming to the house they saw the child with his mother, Mary, and they bowed down and worshipped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh"

Note: By the time the "wise men" had arrived to see Jesus, He was in a house - not in the manger. It must have been a considerable time after His birth that the "wise men" found Him.

The text also tells us that Jesus was a child when the "wise men" found Him. The Greek word for "child" is different from the word for "infant" and refers to someone who is around two years old.

While folks attempt to include everyone and everything in the nativity pictures, we do know that the "wise men" were not yet present in Bethlehem when Jesus was born.

The important fact, however is that they worshiped and adored Him even when he was a child. They recognized the child as Deity.

Wise Men still adore Him ~ Bob

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