
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sure Cure For the Blues

Psalm 142 describes David's experience with the blues. "I cry aloud to the Lord; I lift up my voice to the Lord for mercy. I pour out my complaint before Him; before Him I tell my trouble." (Verses 1-2)

Experiencing opposition, criticism, rejection, and attacks on his integrity, David "cries out" = "shrieks," bellows," "makes sounds like thunder" to the Lord about his needs with heart rending groans. His self-image had been assaulted; he felt stripped , worthless, useless - his response is to plead for evidence of God's favor.

What did he need from God? He needed to see himself as God saw him - favorable, loved, useful, needed. The first step in healing is to tell God in prayer how you feel and what you need in an honest and forthright way.

Psalm 142:2 - "before Him I pour out my trouble." "Trouble" = "tied tightly," "restricted," "being bound up." "Pour out" = "cause to be conspicuous," "nothing hidden." Sometimes we find it impossible to articulate the thoughts that ache with pain, hostility, and grief. Get rid of the past by dealing with it. David first confesses (agrees with God's diagnosis) his sin, is forgiven, forgives, and is restored.

Why did God restore David? Because God is drawn to broken people; He loves to use broken people. Isaiah 42:3 "A bruised reed he will not break and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out." When we are broken, He brings compassion and grace and strength.

Cry out to Him honestly with your "trouble" and He will heal you and restore you -He did with David and He will do the same for you.

How do we get rid of the past that may bring the blues? More on that later ~ Bob