
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Invitation

"The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love"
-Galatians 5:6.

I just love it when the Holy Spirit sheds new light on a familiar passage of Scripture. Paul is telling the Galatian gang to forget all the trappings that come along with keeping the law, striving to impress others with their piety, thinking they need to add more to their salvation than what Christ has asked.

Our faith is so simple, isn't it. So powerful and life-changing. Yet so basic that even a little one can understand the truth. No wonder Christ says He wants the little children to come to Him.

They are the ones who truly get it. We adults come with all kinds of baggage filled with preconceived notions, cultural expectations, junk from the past, and legalistic debris.

But it is all about faith. Trust in Jesus. Trust that shows itself through a pure love with absolutely no agenda except adoration of Christ. And a pure, vital belief in all of who He is.


"All other ground is sinking sand ..."

Thank You, Jesus, for the truth that frees us. Give us courage to accept the beautiful purity and powerful simplicity of the invitation you've extended to us.



  1. I needed to hear that again. Thanks for expressing that verse so well.
    God Bless,

  2. The truths of Scripture never grow old, do they ... and the Holy Spirit keeps giving us exactly what we need!


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yes, Linda!

    It can difficult for us adults that it's so easy. In Romans 10:9 it is put so simply for us. God tells us to confess with our mouths Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised him from the dead!

    It is so wonderful and simple; however, that seems to beyond an adult's reasoning. We've become too complicated by our pasts. I think that's why we see so much "doing". As if the acts themselves can save us. But God says our righteous acts are like filthy rags in Isaiah 64:6.

    We are told by Jesus himself in Mark 10:14,15 to receive the Kingdom of God as a gift and it cannot be "bought", aquired, by our efforts.

    However it's easier for children to believe and confess because children are so trusting, eager, open, receptive and forgiving. But that is what Jesus wants from us. To come to him like the children.

    The acts follow are from the love of Christ flows through us and we do things for people and the Lord out of the overflowing of the Holy Spirit within us. Not the other way around. Maybe it's hard to receive such a magnificent gift because we know we are not worthy for such forgivness.

    But we are saved by grace not by works so that no one can boast.-Ephesians 2:9

    Isn't it wonderful? Just believe in your heart Jesus died for your sins and God raised Him from the dead so that we can have everlasting life? And then proclaim it with your mouth. Lovely! If everyone can drop the baggage long enough to let it sink in....

    Just think if we do so many things to "save" ourselves, then why did Jesus die on the cross for us? When will we know we've done enough to earn our place in heaven? Are we good enough? Also who are we to play our own god and decide what is good enough for our salvation? The answer is only from God himself in his Holy Word.

  5. Yes! We've got to drop all the baggage and junk we've been hauling around and believe that what God says is TRUE. And then act in obedience to what he tells us to do in His Word.

    Aren't we tired of dragging around the same old stuff?! Jesus waits with open arms and comes running toward us when we turn to Him.

    Check out Luke 15:20!

  6. The prodigal son. The man who took his father's inheritence before dad died and squandered it on worldly things. Left broke and broken spirited. Dad welcomes him back with total forgiveness, with open arms and a great celebration because his son has returned to him! God's forgiveness is that and more. God forgives anything before we even ask him for forgivness. He is so GREAT!

    So in other words, there really is no need for the baggage. What's in the past is in the past. We can't change that.

    For the asking God forgives the sins that take up the space within us that He should be occupying. We simply need to have faith and trust in Him. Know that His son, Jesus died for our sins and He raised Jesus from the dead. If God can raise the dead then give Him our baggage! He can carry it so we don't have to.

    In Matthew 11:28,29 Jesus says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." I like that invitation.


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l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
