
Friday, July 31, 2009

The Accommodating God

God knows our difficulty in grasping who He really is. How do we wrap our arms around "God is Spirit" or "God is Truth?" To accommodate our weakness, He uses many images to describe who He is.

For those who have been hurt or abused by a father and cannot look on Him as their heavenly Father, He likens Himself to a woman when He says, "As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you." Isaiah 66:13

For those who need guidance, He describes Himself as a shepherd who guides and cares for sheep in Psalm 23.

For those who labor in the arts, He refers to Himself as a potter in Isaiah 64:8 -"We are the clay, you are the potter."

For those who need a lover, provider, and protector, He says, ""For your Maker is your husband" in Isaiah 54:5. Later in that passage He reveals Himself as a compassionate lover.

Psalm 18:7-9 shows God as a fire-breathing dragon. (An interesting image to me.) Matthew 23:37 describes Him as a mother hen who protects her chicks.

He is a warrior in Exodus 15:3; a singer in Zephaniah 3:17; a king in Exodus 15:18; and the woman who mixes yeast in Matthew 13:33. He is a rock, a high tower, a refuge, a redeemer, an ever present help in times of trouble, and the Father who welcomes his prodigal son home in Luke 15.

God understands where you are today. He varies the pictures of His personal revelation because He wants to meet you where you are so He can bring you to fullness and health. He is dynamic and active and refuses to be placed in our little boxes.

Have you placed Him in your little box where you can control and manipulate Him? Surprise! He got out of your box a long time ago! Praise God. No excuses are valid when it comes to knowing God.

Discovering more of Him daily ~ Bob


  1. Thank you for describing the various facets of who God is. I found your post to be very helpful and comforting.

  2. The wonderful truth is that He is far more than we could find either words or pictures to describe. I wonder what your favorite Biblical image of God is.


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