
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Transitions Happen

Change. Transitions. I don't know that I've ever dealt with them well. More often than not, I've reluctantly dragged my feet, kicking and screaming. I'm not good at it. The familiar is too ... well, familiar. Safe. Comfortable. Known. Secure. Certain. And based on many conversations with young and old alike, I know I'm not the only one who balks at adjusting to something different.

In a recent newsletter, Gary Collins addressed Hudson's 4 seasons of transition -

1. Go For It

2. Doldrums

3. Cocooning

4. Getting Ready

Read on to discover what transitions are really all about. There can be some really positive, life changing aspects. And discover how to manage these uncertain seasons well ... and maybe even embrace the serendipity of what's ahead.

And then maybe you won't be so unnerved when the next one comes along. And maybe I won't, either.

One thing I am sure of. God won't be a bit surprised. And He'll be patiently waiting for me to let Him take me by the hand and lead me through the open door.

"I the Lord do not change" - Malachi 3:6.


  1. Yet another helpful post, Linda. Thank you.

    Collins' article is very thought-provoking. I'm now considering how Hudson's phases of transition may help me make more sense of my own story -- past, present, and yet to come.

    Thanks for the introduction to both these gentlemen's work.

    Cocooning (or somewhere in that vicinity!),

    1. Yep, GH, cocooning can often be a healing pause in the journey, a healthy navigation tool, a necessary springboard to the next season, or a deep breath before new life in all its beauty emerges! Continued blessings as you move through this passage, pushing ahead to all God has designed you to be ...


Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
