
Monday, February 23, 2009

She Writes ...

Five years ago, I began journaling. Born out of deep frustration, confusion, and sadness, my newly discovered spiritual director suggested that I pursue this practice. After a bit of foot dragging (Dare I write what I really feel? What if someone reads this?), I began to slowly embrace this spiritual discipline. Because it wasn't a "Dear Diary" kind of thing. The journaling I began to embrace was simply deep, honest conversations with my Savior. On paper. And I discovered it to be one of the most powerful journeys I've ever embarked on.

Journaling saw me through times when no one understood, and I wasn't sure too many cared. Only God knew my heart, and with the exception of sharing glimpses here and there (this blog's From Pen to Paper), this has been a private thing. The times of quietness with the Lover of my soul, my Bible, paper, and pen have been my salvation during the past half decade - times of horrendous illness, bountiful health, joyful celebrations, deepest sorrow, overflowing confidence, faith-stretching uncertainty. And like most disciplines that we embark on, the benefits have been huge and have affected every area of my life - my faith, my relationships, my work, my health. Because I know that my powerful and compassionate God has heard me, embraced me, nurtured and guided me, my faith is stronger and more steadfast than ever.

If you're a client of mine, you know that this is one of the things I ask you to do. And hold you accountable for. It's that important, that vital in your journey toward emotional healing and spiritual growth. And many of you have made astounding discoveries about the Lord, your pain, your relationships, your rage, your circumstances, your future, and your faith as you have faithfully stayed with this precious time of silence, Bible reading, prayer, and pondering. I salute your perseverance.

Gordon MacDonald talks about how he began journaling when he, too, hit bottom. Read his story ... and then thoughtfully consider if God might be calling you to begin this freeing, life-changing discipline.
Still writing to the Lover of my soul ~

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Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
