
Monday, October 20, 2008

Fight It

Join with others in helping The Breast Cancer Site reach its daily quota of donating at least one free mammogram to an underprivileged woman - low income, inner city, and minority women whose awareness of breast cancer and opportunity for help is often limited. It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click the pink window in the middle that says Click Here to Give - it's FREE!

This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors and advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate mammograms in exchange for advertising.

The National Breast Cancer Foundation estimates that each year over 200,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and over 40,000 die. One woman in eight either has or will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. Approximately 1,700 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 450 will die each year. If detected early, the 5 year survival rate for breast cancer exceeds 96%. Mammograms are among the best early detection methods, yet 13 million U.S. women 40 years of age or older have never had a mammogrm. The National Cancer Institute and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommend that women in their 40s and older have mammograms every 1 - 2 years. A complete early detection plan also includes regular clinical breast examinations by a trained medical professional. Monthly breast self-exams are suggested in addition.

Be sure to add this site to your favorites and click on every day ... before you check out the Creekside blog!

Joining you in fighting ~

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