
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bookbag - "Who Stole My Church?"

What do you do when the church you love tries to enter the 21st century? Feeling pushed aside by the next generation?

Based on his own experience and observations as a pastor, Gordon MacDonald presents this fictionalized story of a church where the older "men and women assembled are all long-time Christians, mature adults, and dedicated church members. They could see their church was changing. The choir had been replaced by a flashy 'praise band.' The youth no longer dressed in their 'Sunday best.' The beautiful pipe organ sat unused. Even they felt out of place and uncomfortable in a church that had, until recently felt like home ..."

Understanding the heart of both young and old, MacDonald makes his case that "Any church that has not turned its face toward the younger generation will simply cease to exist ... We're not talking decades - we're talking just a few years."

No matter what generation you're in, if you love the church, read the book!

1 comment:

  1. I just checked your blog again to read the books section, and looked at an old blog from 9/08-all about your recommending the "Who Stole My Church?" book ... I agree!

    (via email)


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