
Monday, July 28, 2008

Equipping Our Kids


Age 2 - 3
Picking up toys & books
Putting laundry in hamper
Helping clean up spills

Age 4 - 5
Setting & clearing table
Feeding pets

Age 6 - 8
Making bed
Taking out trash & recycling
Folding & putting away clean clothes
Vacuuming & mopping

Age 9 - 12
Doing laundry
Washing dishes
Cleaning bathroom

Age 13 - 18
Mowing & weeding lawn
Preparing grocery lists
Cleaning oven & refridgerator

- Leah Gensheimer, Associate Professor of Psychology
University of Missouri, Kansas City

Heads up! Many conversations have led me to observe that few of today's parents are training their children to be productive and responsible at an early age. Sadly, we're not only giving ourselves more work to do in our already jam-packed schedules, but we are failing to equip our children to be independent, responsible adults as they venture out into the world. And as that day comes, what a sad shock for them as they begin to discover that they're not entitled to a free ride. And that no one owes them a living.
"If a man will not work, he shall not eat"
- 2 Thessalonians 3:10.

7 Big Questions for Parents:

1. Are our expectations of our children too low?
2. Are our expectations of how things need to be done too high?
3. Is it just easier to do everything ourselves (and then complain that no one lifts a finger)?
4. What's the payoff for us?
5. What's the end result for our soon-to-be adult offspring?
6. What changes need to be made in your family?
7. What's your game plan?

Contemplating What This All Means For Our Culture & The Church ~

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful and practical guide to parenting. I know I do not have children, but I am sure it can be difficult to determine what they can handle within the home. It also is a great way to teach responsibility even though the parent may be able to do the task better, and faster. In the larger scheme of things, it will teach them rich life lessons.


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